Words That Are Similar in Polish and English

Polish and English belong to two different language families, yet as far as vocabulary is concerned, they have some things in common. At the beginning of your adventure with the Polish language, it is good to realize how much you already know, before you have even started learning. In this short video, we'll talk about these similarities.

Here are even more examples of words that are similar in Polish and in English. Do you understand all of them? Can you try to pronounce them? Give it a try! This list is by no means exhaustive, so you'll come across even more familiar words while learning Polish.

abstynencja, adwokat, agresja, aktywny, archeologia, arystokracja, atrakcyjny, bar, bestseller, biurokracja, biznes, biznesmen, delfin, demokracja, dinozaur, ekonomia, ekstra, elastyczny, elokwencja, emisja, ewakuacja, fantazja, geologia, gitara, hobby, impulsywny, inteligencja, intuicyjny, kameleon, katolik, kemping, koala, konferencja, konsekwencja, kultura, lemoniada, link, literatura, logika, metal, misja, muzyka, okazjonalny, paradoks, pedagog, pediatra, perwersja, plastik, policja, popcorn, popularny, pozytywny, preferencja, pretensja, prewencja, produkcja, projekt, protest, protestant, psychiatra, psycholog, puzzle, restauracja, rewolucja, saksofon, sekwencja, singiel, stres, super, supermarket, sweter, telewizja, tendencja, tost, t-shirt, weekend, zebra, zero

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