We rarely stop and think about the expressions we use on a daily basis. That’s too bad. Many of them turn out to be pretty odd and amusing. Here’s a video with a selection of funny Polish sayings with their literal translation. Enjoy.
I’ve got some more bizarre sayings, but this time I’ll give you a chance to guess their meaning on your own. Ready? Steady? Go!
BIEGAĆ JAK KOT Z PĘCHERZEM (to run like a cat with a bladder)
NIE MÓJ CYRK, NIE MOJE MAŁPY (not my circus, not my monkeys)
RZUCAĆ GROCHEM O ŚCIANĘ (to throw peas onto a wall)
WIERCIĆ DZIURĘ W BRZUCHU (to drill a hole in someone’s belly)
JUŻ PO PTAKACH (it’s after the birds)
SŁOŃ KOMUŚ NADEPNĄŁ NA UCHO (an elephant stomped on someone’s ear)
MIEĆ WĘŻA W KIESZENI (to have a snake in one’s pocket)
PISAĆ JAK KURA PAZUREM (to write like a hen with a claw)
NIE ZOSTAWIĆ NA KIMŚ SUCHEJ NITKI (not to leave a single dry thread on someone)
WYWOŁYWAĆ WILKA Z LASU (to call the wolf from the forest)
1b 2c 3c 4a 5a 6c 7b 8c 9b 10a
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